Friday, February 27, 2015

Tools and Environment

Tools and Technology

Red Yellow Blue Purple, 48" x 60", oil on canvas,
c.2012  Marjorie Thompson
For tools and technology related to Tools and Environment, I reviewed many videos related to projection mapping. I actually have had a painting of mine included in a show put on by an arts organization called SeeMe in New York. Work was projected on a wall of a building with the work of other artists.

I have experimented with my paintings and sculptures creating experimental videos and films. I have created an experimental presentation with this painting as well as many others which is still "in the works".

This painting is a revised version painting that I finished in 2001 and then decided to add the yellow layer in 2012.

I submitted a proposal to the Times Square Arts: Midnight Moment program. This program uses the video billboards in Times Square to show the work of artists at 3 minutes to midnight.

Most projection mapping is used in performance pieces given on a massive scale. On viewing the projection mapping videos, I analyze them for the way the technique is used in the context of the show. 

In the blog, Creative Blog,
several productions are highlighted, showing how people have used this to create shows.

"The 600 Years" video is interesting because The Macula and Tomato Productions used projection mapping to create a presentation about the history of the clock in Prague using the architecture and form of the clock as a screen.

In the video "Hyper Matrix Cube Wall", the Korean Art Group JonPaSang uses computer controlled machinery to move the walls of a room made from Styrofoam blocks. There is also a video which follows on the blog which goes intro a bit of the techniques used in fabricating the machinery controlling the movements of the walls.

I am not sure whether I will have a chance to use any of these ideas in my work. Possibly in a gallery show. Probably not in the project for this semester as it is more traditional.


Creative Blog, Projection Mapping Blog, Future Publishing Limited, Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, England and Wales.
retrieved from

Midnight Moment project, Times Square Arts Alliance website
retrieved from

Thompson, M.,  Marjorie Thompson artist website
retrieved from

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