Sunday, February 8, 2015

Final Project Concept

A portrait of Humboldt by Friedrich Georg Weitsch, 1806
Final project proposal

As  a final project, I am interested in  working on a short biographical film about the explorer/ scientist, Alexander von Humboldt.

Alexander von Humboldt was originally from Germany and traveled to South America to explore. He was a friend of Thomas Jefferson and many other people. Quite famous in his lifetime the latter part of the 1700's to the early 1800's , he is not that well known today, despite having many towns, streets, parks and other things named after him. In Chicago where I grew up, one of the parks is named Humboldt Park and there is a statue of him.

Alexander von Humboldt was originally from Germany and traveled to South America to explore and conduct scientific research.He originated the idea of South America being connected to Africa, came up with the Humboldt Current, wrote a 22 volume work about his theories called Kosmos. Some of his core ideas are the concept of the unity of nature where biology, meteorology, and geography determined where certain plants grew. 

His explorations in South America were inspired by Maria Sibylla Merian, a botanical 
illustrator who traveled to South America in the early 1700's and created hundreds of paintings
of the plants she studied there. Peter the Great founded the first art museum in Russia to house 
her work. Alexander von Humboldt named one of the plants he discovered after her.

I intend to use images which are in the public domain as well as some animations and other
images of primary source material. Software such as Sketchup will be used to create some
of the animations and Windows Movie Maker will be used to create the movie. This film
will be approximately five minutes long.

The audience for this film will probably be grade school children. It could be for people of all 
ages. He is more well known in Germany where there is a foundation which celebrates his 
work and promotes his ideas.

I had originally thought of creating a film for my virtual reality island, but the project I have in
mind requires several paintings such as a still life, a portrait, sculptures and animations and I
do not think I will have time to make all the components and put them together as a
film in a semester.This film may be part of another virtual reality island about
Alexander von Humboldt.


Alexander von Humboldt Wikipedia retrieved from 

Humboldt Foundation website retrieved from



Final Project Proposal

Rough draft of the text of the film

More refined text along with a rough storyboard


Finalize script
Begin to construct the film with images
Plan out what animations will be needed

Add animations

Record audio

Finalize storyboard
Add audio

Refine film


First draft for peer review


Finish revisions

Final project due


I really do not have a budget for this project as I hope to create most of it with online video
software, using images in the public domain and creating everything else myself. The major
expense will be a headset with microphone which I hope I can pick up for under $50.00.

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