Saturday, March 21, 2015

New Tools and Technology

I had been trying out several software programs to create a storyboard. My idea of how storyboard software should perform is there should be a function where one can upload an image and then one should be able to add text. That's it. 

When I initially looked over Celtx, and used it for creating a script, I thought Celtx would be useful in creating a storyboard as well. I thought that Celtx was a little difficult to use. At this link you can find a preliminary draft of my script which I did not think worked that well: 

Looking over the other functions of Celtx, I decided that I really did not need the scheduling function which Celtx has and from what I could tell about the storyboard function, I thought that it was difficult to use as I was having a hard time uploading my images. I decided that I would look for a different software program to create the storyboard.

I decided to try Digital Story, the Google Docs version of storyboard. At first it seemed ok. However, once I added more than a handful of images, it became very difficult to control. I don't know whether it was because I missed the memo, but I was only able to upload 9 images before the formatting became very erratic. As I tried to add more images, the formatting became very hard to control. If I tried to move images around, I ended up with large empty spaces which I could not eliminate by adjusting the images or margins. I was unable to add more than 3 pages of images with 3 images per page. I could not add images to areas regardless of how many times I clicked on an area or refreshed the page. You can see my efforts here:

After struggling with Google storyboard for more than a week, I decided that would not be able to come up with a document that I could use. I thought about using a different version of a Google Docs Storyboard template. There are several versions which offer different characteristics. Here is a link to a page with different Google Storyboard templates. I believe you will have to log into Google to view it:

The version which has cells that you can upload images into and each cell is a second of footage might be more useful and function better for my purposes, even though my images will be on screen for about 10 seconds.  However, after having so many problems with adding more than a few images to the template, I am reluctant to try it. 

I also thought about the option of drawing a storyboard. The problem with drawing a storyboard is that drawing does not give one much room for revising the storyboard as the concept for the video develops. You have to know the sequencing of the film which I am not sure about right now. I finally decided I would just use PowerPoint to create my storyboard.

PowerPoint allows for a great deal of flexibility. I really like the blank slide design without formatting. PowerPoint allows for uploading images, adding a text box, copying and pasting text from other sites on the web, and rearranging the slides as the video content is revised. Once the presentation is created, transition animation can be added and I intend on using the page turning transitions to give it the sense of a sketchbook.

Well, after I wrote the preceding text,  I went back to Celtx.The storyboard function is easier to use than I thought . Here's a link to the storyboard in process that I tried out with a few images: 

Since I have already created a good part of the storyboard in PowerPoint, I guess I'll stick with it. I think PowerPoint will give me the option of more space for text. Otherwise there is a great deal of similarity between the two in the way you can play the video after they are added as single images.


Celtx website retrieved from

Google Storyboard templates, Google Docs webpage retrieved from 

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